As Thanksgiving approaches, our homes fill with the warm aromas of delicious holiday dishes. While it’s tempting to share the feast with our furry friends, it’s crucial to be mindful of the foods that can be harmful to them. Here’s a quick guide to keep your pup safe and healthy during the Thanksgiving festivities.

1. Onion/Garlic: These ingredients can be toxic to dogs, causing damage to red blood cells and leading to serious health issues. Keep any dishes containing onion or garlic away from your pup.
2. Cooked Bones: While turkey is a Thanksgiving staple, be cautious with cooked bones, as they can splinter and pose a choking hazard or cause internal damage to your dog.
3. Sage: Commonly used in Thanksgiving dishes, sage can upset your pup’s stomach and nervous system. Avoid sharing foods seasoned with sage with your furry friend.
4. Nutmeg/Cinnamon: Holiday spices like nutmeg and cinnamon, often found in desserts, can be harmful to dogs. Ingesting these spices can lead to various health issues, so it’s best to keep them out of your pup’s reach.
5. Cranberry Sauce: While small amounts of fresh cranberries are generally safe, many cranberry sauces contain high amounts of sugar or artificial sweeteners, which can be harmful to dogs. Stick to dog-friendly treats instead.
6. Dough/Batter: Raw dough or batter containing yeast can expand in your dog’s stomach, leading to bloating and discomfort. Keep raw dough and batter away from your curious pup.
7. Corn Cobs: The core of corn on the cob can be a choking hazard and cause digestive blockages in dogs. Ensure that corn cobs are disposed of safely and kept away from your dog.
8. Chocolate: A well-known toxic treat for dogs, chocolate contains theobromine, which can cause serious health issues. Keep all chocolate products, including desserts and candies, out of your dog’s reach.
9. Gravy: Rich gravies often contain ingredients like onions, garlic, and excess fat, which can lead to gastrointestinal upset and pancreatitis in dogs. Stick to a pet-friendly broth instead as a safe alternative.
10. Nuts: Certain nuts, like macadamia nuts, can be toxic to dogs. Additionally, the high-fat content in many nuts can lead to pancreatitis. Keep nut dishes out of reach and opt for dog-safe treats.
11. Alcohol: Alcohol can have severe and rapid effects on dogs, affecting their nervous system. Ensure that all alcoholic beverages are kept well away from your pup during Thanksgiving celebrations.